The First Carbon Nanotube Computer

Posted by admin on October 9, 2013 in Computers, from Jerry Pournelle's blog, Technology |
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<> “Materials News The First Carbon Nanotube Computer A carbon nanotube computer processor is comparable to a chip from the early 1970s, and may be the first step beyond silicon electronics. By Katherine Bourzac on September 25, 2013 . For the first time, researchers have built a computer whose central processor is based entirely on […]

Nuclear Fusion Has Broken Even For the First Time Ever

Posted by admin on October 8, 2013 in Technology |
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from:  …Nuclear fusion, the same process that powers the sun, could provide us with limitless cheap energy—but experiments to date have always used more power than they created. Now, though, researchers have apparently tipped that balance, making fusion a real possibility ….Usually, they have to dump more power in using the lasers than they manage to […]

5 Crazy New Man-Made Materials That Will Shape the Future

Posted by admin on September 10, 2013 in Technology |
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From <> … Aluminum Bubble Wrap ..A team of engineers from North Carolina State University have developed a new form of aluminum bubble wrap, which they claim could revolutionize packaging and protective equipment. The scientists take a thin sheet of aluminum, then use a studded roller to form small indents in the sheet. Unlike its polyethylene […]

Researchers claim ‘almost instantaneous’ quantum computing breakthrough

Posted by admin on September 9, 2013 in Technology |
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… researchers at Oregon State University have been plugging away at a low-cost, faster alternative for the past three years: tiny quantum devices called metal-insulator-metal diodes, or MIM diodes for short. Silicon chips involve electrons traveling through a transistor, but MIM diodes send electrons “tunneling” through the insulator in a quantum manner, such that they appear “almost instantaneously” […]

Cringly: Is cyber insurance AAA for data or another back door?

Posted by admin on August 14, 2013 in Computers, Programming, Technology |
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Comments from Cave Painter August 4, 2013 at 10:10 pm …what about all the pieces of code in between the customer and my server? What about the operating system and support applications on the machine hosting my application? What about the embedded microcode in the chip that implements the higher level abstraction that is the CPU […]

Welcome to the fifth dimension, where data is stored on crystals

Posted by admin on July 10, 2013 in Computers, Technology |
Share Button  Colin Druce-McFadden Tuesday, July 9, 2013 – 5:54pm   It sounds like a bunch of sci-fi hullabaloo, but data storage has just crossed into the fifth dimension. That’s right: the dimension sometimes referred to by physicists as the fabric of spacetime can now be harnessed to store you cat videos. And they’ve done it […]

Automatic NERF Sentry Gun

Posted by admin on July 9, 2013 in Computers, Gadgets, Humor, Technology |
Share Button … A proper sentry gun, like one you’d see in a video game or movie, which can automatically track you then start shooting until you die (of amazement). It was built by Instructables user BrittLiv, and comprises a NERF Vulcan gun, a stand, a motor and a laptop. Using recognition software, the laptop’s camera can track someone […]

The Cost of our government energy policy

Posted by admin on June 13, 2013 in from Jerry Pournelle's blog, Politics, Technology |
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  … From Access to Energy “Government energy suppression has cost the American people the greatest windfall of prosperity ever offered to any civilization in human history. “Had the government not suppressed the development of nuclear power, our national gross domestic product would be more than double its current value and the standard of living of […]

Growing an Economy without spewing out CO2

Posted by admin on May 24, 2013 in from Jerry Pournelle's blog, Politics, Technology |
Share Button Posted: May 23, 2013, 12:51 pm – Last updated: May 23, 2013, 12:51 pm View 775 Thursday, May 23, 2013 Talk continues on carbon taxes, and there are political claims that Oklahoma deserved destruction since it produces oil and contributes to global warming and global warming causes extreme weather. Some of the rhetoric is […]

NASA’s Next 3D Printing Frontier Is… Pizza?

Posted by admin on May 21, 2013 in Computers, Programming, Technology |
Share Button Sam Gibbs – Gizmodo UK 5/21/13 7:58amToday 7:58am Forget guns, here’s a 3D printingdevelopment that can’t be overhypedand pretty much anyone with the munchies can get behind. NASA’s sinking a chunk of change into 3D printing food—starting with the humble pizza—in a new project aimed at evolving the future of food for both space and back here […]

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