Assault Weapons Are Not The Problem …Only 2.6% of the murders in the U.S. in 2011 were committed using rifles, and many of these were in the hands of police officers who had to stop a criminal. Looking at the raw numbers, you are more than twice as likely to be killed by someone using their bare hands than by […]
Excuse me… Did you just say Gun? By Bobby Eberle June 5, 2013 12:53 pm Forget all about actual guns, cap guns, guns made from sticks, or even a drawing for a gun. Now, it appears that children can’t even say the word “gun” or else risk getting in trouble not only with the school system but also with local law enforcement. […]
By: Raquel Okyay An international firearms dealer said the White House is blocking ammunition sales to American citizens as federal agencies continue to stockpile. “There are elements in the United States government moving to obstruct commercial ammunition sales,” said Anthony Melé, an international firearms dealer and owner of AMI Global Security, LLC. AGS is a […]
Gun Shop Allegedly Banned From Partcipating in Popular Store’s Contest: ‘Entry Contains Content That Promotes…Firearms’ May. 30, 2013 3:11pm Billy Hallowell Maple Creek Gunsmithing, a firearms store in Fremont, Nebraska, is claiming that Staples, the popular office supply chain, rejected a recent contest application from the shop — because Maple Creek sells guns… The alleged […]
THE FIREARMS STATISTICS THAT GUN CONTROL ADVOCATES DON’T WANT TO SEE May. 6, 2013 3:30pm Jason Howerton To accompany TheBlaze’s coverage of the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting in Houston, we figured it could be helpful to share some gun statistics pointed out to us by some of the NRA Convention attendees. Forget the talking points used by both sides in the gun control debate; we’re […]
Glenn Beck – It is the man, not the gun, that is capable of committing acts of evil. …One story about a particular shotgun, wielded by a “naked hippie” shooting birds decades ago, seemed to have the most impact. Beck explained that after receiving a early morning call about the naked hippie shooting birds out of season, police in California arrested the said hippie and confiscated his WWII-era shotgun. That man turned […]
CALIF. GOV. SIGNS BILL ALLOCATING FUNDS TO CONFISCATE GUNS FROM CRIMINALS, MENTALLY ILL May. 2, 2013 10:42am Billy Hallowell Wednesday, California Gov. Jerry Brown signed controversial legislation aimed at stripping 20,000 of the state’s residents of the rights to own handguns and so-called assault rifles. The politician signed a bill that will ensure funding to ban individuals from ownership if they have a serious mental illness or […]
Gun control is not about safety, common sense or saving American lives — it’s about “control.”
TWO OF THE BIGGEST GUN CONTROL MYTHS DEBUNKED IN GLENN BECK’S NEW BOOK ‘CONTROL’ May. 1, 2013 1:30am By Jason Howerton Gun control is not about safety, common sense or saving American lives — it’s about “control.” … 1. More Guns Mean More Crime. In reality, an extensive 2004 report by the National Academy […]
GOP LAWMAKERS HOPE TO COMBAT AMMUNITION STOCKPILING BY GOV’T AGENCIES WITH AMMO ACT Apr. 25, 2013 8:00pm Jason Howerton1571.5K0265Credit: Getty Images Republicans in the Senate and House are expected to introduce a joint bill Friday that would limit the amount of ammunition that federal agencies are allowed to buy and stockpile over the next six months,the Washington Free Beacon reports. The bill, titled the Ammunition Management for More […]